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The writing of these short stories depicting some adventures in my life was truly a labor of love. When I think back to those days when the world was my oyster, everything about it was so new, and exciting, the memories still warm my heart. My closest friends and family were truly my inspiration. It takes me back to where it all started for me, on a street called Oakley Avenue.
Jack was born in White Plains, New York in the county of Westchester, where he attended Eastview Elementary School and graduated from White Plains High School. He studied basic electronics at Westchester Community College and worked for the next 25 years as a sales representative for Westchester Electronics in White Plains, New York. During those years he and his wife raised 5 children and have been blessed with three grandchildren and one great grandchild. Jack relocated from New York to North Carolina where he currently resides with his wife, Jeanette and youngest daughter, Jenae.