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•3x6 Free Standing Floor Model Banner
•FREE e-book, Marketing Machine
•e-book set-up for author
•Digital Press Release- email blast
•Custom Website, includes maintenance
•Accept credit card set-up
•Mailing Book Service
•Advanced books- 30 books, pay in 30 days
•Strategic Marketing on Social Media, monthly
•Referral Program $100
•12 Printed Fliers
•12 business cards
•12 book marks
•Book Signing Event Kit (we will assist)
•Book Club Party Planning Kit, including 7 FREE books
•Book Drive- Give Back Reward Program
•Discounted Book Tour fee
•Discounted Magazine Ads
•Marketing partner monthly fee $39
Around H.I.M. Publishing
Around His Image Marketing and Publishing
email: info@aroundHIM.com | call: (919) 275-0446
© 2007 Around HIM Publishing. All rights reserved.
* Payment Installment Plan Available
Principle of Giving is the key to your financial success as an author
(understanding & knowledge are the tools we provide you)
7 Steps to Becoming A Successful Inspirational Author
1. Publish Your Book (Market the Message vs. the book)
2. Promote the Organization (Set up an non-profit & hire yourself)
3. Plan many Events (launch your book, organization & services)
4. Attract large corporations, government & philanthropist funding
5. Sow (give away books through your organization)
6. Prepare your taxes each quarter & write it ALL off
7. Reap what you have sown through your organizational giving
Set up fee at $499
not incl. state & federal fees
Around HIM Publishing is a creative haven. It is our in-house creative agency that handles all things digital – Book & Magazine Production, Website Design & Development, App Design, Development & Programming, Graphic Design, Radio, Video & TV Production, Photography, Event Planning and everything in-between. Marketing is the most credible and cost efficient way to create buzz, awareness and news about your brand, product or service.
“You are the one that shines. We serve you. ” Bruce Davis
click here and look at The Marketing Machine